My Activation


Monday, December 12, 2011

Coming of Age

So this is it... as of today I'm 20!

I'm not really noticing much of a difference yet. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Anyways, I got asked a really interesting question today that made me think of yet another blog entry!

The person at Starbucks (a favorite place of mine) asked me if I was able to change everything, meaning changing my life to where I would've been born with hearing instead of being born deaf, would I do it?

That is such an interesting question, and I'm sure many of you would think I would literally jump with excitement at a "yes". But in reality I didn't even hesitate to answer "no". There would be no way that I would ever wish that I could go back and change to being born with hearing. I'm sure that sounds very hypocritical that I say that because I have gotten a cochlear implant and all, but please allow me to explain.

You see, by being born deaf, I was exposed to different life situations and feelings that had I been predisposed otherwise, I would've never come to know some of the emotions that I am so common with everyday.

Think about it, if you are able to hear right now, do you know what it truely feels like to have somebody talk to you like you are mentally challenged because you have something on your ear?

Do you understand what it feels like to not have the same chance at a job simply because of a hearing loss?

Do you understand the fears of going to sleep at night, not knowing if somebody is going to attempt to break in your house and you might not hear it?

Do you understand the feelings of rejection because of something out of your control?

Are you able to comprehend the feeling of not being able to dance to the same music as everybody else but you have to fake it just because you want to fit in?

Do you know what it feels like to be doing bad in a class, not because you don't know the material, but because you didn't hear the teacher say the big assignment was due that day?

Do you know what it's like to have somebody never consider you as a potential boyfriend/girlfriend because of something you can't control, such as being deaf and have them tell you that is the reason?

I don't type these things to complain about being deaf. You will never catch me complain about it. Instead, I use these experiences that I have been through to benefit others. I feel like God put me exactly where I need to be so that I may experience everything I need to so that I may use those lessons to help others.

I don't feel that by having these lessons, that they put me above somebody else on the "feeling meter" or the "lesson graph". Because somebody else may have certain life experiences that I may have never learned that could help benefit and teach me about life.

Everybody takes life and their current situation so seriously. I used to do that, than I realized how much life changes in such a short period of time. What is so important and serious today may seem small and stupid tomorrow. I feel like the most important things in life are your faith, family, friends, and career.

People please relax, nobody makes it out of this life alive anyways. Enjoy it and be happy please. It's my birthday.

Have a good week guys!



  1. With or without a hearing loss, you're an incredible person who has a big heart to help others and who is destined for many great successes. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Happy birthday!

  2. Connor, that was a very nice post indeed. Nice tone, nice delivery, nice message.

