My Activation


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In A Bubble

I hope everybody is doing well today, I'm doing pretty good. I've been pretty busy, mostly with work and school. Everything is going well but I'm getting weary of the summer school. I've got an 8:00 a.m. math class that I've gotta meet at and it's proved to be pretty difficult.

I met some pretty amazing people at work the other day, these people were truly awesome. They were a nice couple who were the CEO's of a local bank in town and they sat and talked to me while I broke down my section. We talked about our jobs, they asked me about school, about what I'm going to major in, and than we started talking about my cochlear implant. They were very impressed with me, and these were people that I had just met that day. I've always loved people who have shown care in people outside their normal range of friends. I try to emulate that quality in my own life by caring about everybody around me, not just the people I know. That amazing couple left me a great tip when they left and a business card with the instructions to contact them via email. These people are amazing and truly are a blessing to the people around them.

The other day at work I seriously felt like I was in a literal bubble made out of latex..... Your probably wondering what I mean, and no not that.... I mean I couldn't hear a thing. My hearing fluctuates with the weather, and that day my hearing had hit an all time low, while at work. I've never had such a difficult shift. Everything sounded the same, "Dr. Pepper" sounded like "Tortillas" and "Enchiladas" sounded like "Extra Napkins". It was horrible. I basically just had to suck it up and get through the shift. Luckily I didn't run into too many issues and I moved on with life.

It is days like that that can sometimes leave somebody dealing with this feeling lonely and really stressed out. How many people do you know have to deal with their hearing fluctuating with the hours that pass? It can be a little trying on your emotions. When I was younger, I used to get so angry at myself and God for making me have to go through dealing with this. I'm different than your normal deaf person, because my hearing will be "okay" (within reason) one day, and than almost gone another. It can fluctuate a bunch.

Now that I've gotten older, I'm glad that it was me that was the one that was chosen to go through this. Yes, it can be difficult sometimes to deal with being deaf, but I got it. Somebody, who was deaf, came into work the other deaf soliciting the customers for money by giving them a card asking them and signing. You will never catch me doing something like that. I try to be approachable for people in the same situation, or for people who have questions so that people may learn from me about a different part of life. I feel it was a blessing from God for me to go through this so that I may be able to help others in the same situation.

I hope you learned something new today!


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