My Activation


Monday, April 25, 2011

Round Number Two!

I feel as though I'm feeling the same I did back in August of last year. Only opposite ears. It's the physical shifts of hearing in the middle of the day. The feeling dizzy, the pain in the ears, the difficulty focusing. Its all back!

What do I mean? I'm slowly loosing hearing in my left ear now. It's going slowly day by day. The entire reason for the creation of this blog was because I was sensing the loss of hearing in my right ear, and I wanted to document it. I wanted documentation through losing the hearing, pre-surgery, post surgery and now. I wanted people who have never been exposed to this part of life to have some kind of knowledge of something they have never known.  Never would I have thought that I would have lost my left ear to LVAS, at least not so soon!

It hasn't even been four months and I'm fighting that uphill battle again, only with different ears. Except this time I'm losing it on my ear that I have used for everything. Losing hearing in my right ear was different than losing hearing in my left ear. In my right ear, I had always been a degree of deafness making me not able to really function using just that ear. Had I been born with both ears like my right ear, life would have been a different story. A story involving sign language, early childhood surgery's and many other different life experiences.

I have always used my left ear in a dominate form to listen to music, talk on the phone, and hear a conversation. Heck I even sleep on my right ear just so I can have my left ear exposed just in case something happens and I might be lucky enough to hear it. Obviously most people don't have to pick a favorite ear, the best way to relate it is to relate it to hands, you are either left or right handed.

I'm not one to sit and complain about situations. I feel that there is a reason that I have been chosen to go through these life experiences. I'm choosing to learn from them instead of mope within them.

I'm hoping that the left ear will stabilize, at least so I can have time to completely get on my feet with the newly activated cochlear implant. It is still taking a lot of time. I was told that had I not gotten activated over Christmas break like I had, this semester would have been much more difficult for me. I couldn't agree more. 

I couldn't be more happy with the decision to have gotten the cochlear implant when I did. Now I'm hoping that I don't keep having those sensations of hearing loss in the other ear.

Only time can tell, but everything happens for a reason and the best thing I can do is make the absolute best of any situation and learn from it.

Have a good week!

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